Home - Mobile Homes - CA - San Bernardino - 92404 - 1315 East Marshal

1315 East Marshal, San Bernardino, CA 92404 - For Sale

Located in Littletons Mobile Home Park. Age-Restricted (55+) Community Give yourself, give your wife, give your golden years the dream of a life time: An almost brand new deluxe luxury manufacutured home available for sale at 1/2 of the original acquisition price. HUGE SAVINGS! Gourmet kitchen Luxury bath with deep tub and shower Hardwood cabinets Fireplace Cement steps and deck. No maintenance. Great carport parking Stable, safe, and well maintained senior SB park Affordable space rent Another superior home presented by Leo Fuller and Associates/Blue Lion Investments. In business since 1986.CRITICAL AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOUSING PURCHASE DECISION:•    Whether the home for sale is a “seller listing” or a bank repo, ALWAYS buy from/thru a licensed HCD mobile home dealership. •    Mobile Home Dealers specialize in this specific area of the housing market. We are experts in park comp evaluation, lease/rent negotiations, and the overall construction of mobile/manufactured housing. •    Most Real Estate brokers and agents dabble in the mobile home (in-park chattel) industry as a secondary offering, or when times are tough.  •    Mobile Home Dealers provide 24/7/365 professional sales services for this specific and highly specialized area of the overall housing market. •    If asked, a superior 24/7/365 manufactured housing professional can provide you with detailed market and industry information that includes subjects like financing, the best method to evaluate a particular mobile home, repair and remodeling advise, the best park locations to meet your specific needs, etc., etc. .•    When making a critical residential purchase involving in-park (chattel)  mobile home, don't settle for Real Estate sales agents that may only sell mobile homes when all else fails. •    Buy from a licensed CA HCD Dealer, the true experts in the (chattel/in-park) mobile/manufactured housing field.CALL 1-800-207-6088 FOR MORE DETAILS Bank financing available servicing all grades of credit.    Features include: Drywall Ceilings, Drywall Walls, Carport, Storage Shed, Deck, Cathedral Ceiling, Fireplace, Central Air, Walk-in Closet, Laundry Room, Pantry, Garden Tub, Gas Heat Included appliances: Garbage Disposal, Dishwasher Monthly costs include: Lot Rent: $450e, Utilities: tbd, Prop Taxes: tbd Finance terms: Repo bank lending available Contact: Leo Fuller Leo G.A. Fuller and Associates/ Blue Lio Phone: (800) 207-6088 Fax: (909) 795-5730 Send an email to this seller

1315 East Marshal - listing #397482

  • Type: Mobile
  • Price: $54,901
  • Letest update: 01/26/12
  • Bedrooms: 3
  • Bathrooms: 2
Real estate listing #397482
Status: For Sale
Added: 2011-07-26 Updated: 2012-01-26
Address: 1315 East Marshal,
San Bernardino, CA 92404 US
Price: $54,901
Please contact Leo Fuller at
(800) 207-6088 for more details.
Leo Fuller
 1315 East Marshal, San Bernardino, CA photo

Useful information about San Bernardino, CA 92404 location:

The population of this area is about 53,634. The Average count of Households in this area is 19,622. Black population is about 8,454, White Population is about 28,860, Hispanic Population is about 20,169, Asian Population is about 1,390, Hawaiian Population is about 206, Indian Population is about 778, Other Population is about 10,994. Average Houses in this area is 98,600. Average Income per Household is $31,162. Median Age of population is 29.2 years.

1315 East Marshal, San Bernardino, CA 92404 on the Map:

Listing #397482 on Google Street View:

NOTE: Information about Mobile property that situated on 1315 East Marshal, San Bernardino, CA 92404 was got from sources deemed reliable, however FreeRealEstateResources.com can't give warranty about listing details like price, agent contact information, property facts and status (foreclosed or not) because this information can be changed or withdrawal without notice. If You want to get more details about property please feel free to contact directly with this listing Agent or with property Owner.
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Realtor Info

Agent Name: Leo Fuller
Company Name: Leo G.A. Fuller and Associates/ Blue Lio
Phone#: (800) 207-6088
Fax#: (909) 795-5730


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